performances |
selection | ||||||
coming up (2025) | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | until 2019 |
upcoming performances |
December 5th 2024 8pm Frankfurt, Goethe University, Campus Westend, PA building
"Universe - was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält" String I energeia aphanés III - physis as well as other works from the string cycle and the energeia aphanés cycle Benjamin Fischer, oboe (guest) Members of the Collegium Musicum at Goethe University Frankfurt and guests
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
CD recording: response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Dreieck Quartet, Weimar
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Dreieck Quartet, Weimar
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Dreieck Quartet, Weimar April 25th 2024 8pm Fulda, Vonderaumuseum
energeia aphanés II energeia aphanés III - physis commissioned by ensemble via nova with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Beatrix Wagner, flute
energeia aphanés II energeia aphanés III - physis commissioned by ensemble via nova with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Emsemble Reflexion K:
Interdependenzen Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich: Mathias Lachenmayr, percussion and Johannes öllinger, guitar |
November 25th 2023 Tolstefanz, Küsten, Neos Music Foundation
CD recording: Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
String quartet No.2 – M (2023) Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
String quartet No.2 – M (2023) Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
String I Benjamin Fischer, oboe November 6th 2023 11:03pm Radio broadcast rbb Kultur: Musik der Gegenwart
Neue Musik aktuell: Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar Editor: Andreas Göbel October 28th 2023 Gdansk, Poland, NeoArte Synthesizer of Arts Festival, NOMUS New Art Museum
String quartet No.2 – M (2023) Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
Vom Weltall zum Viertelton - Der Komponist Michael Quell portrayed by Jim Igor Kallenberg September 17th 2023 6pm Paris, Reid Hall, Columbia Global Center
String quartet No.2 – M (2023) (World Premiere) Neo Quartet, Gdansk:
energeia aphanés I Ensemble El Perro Andaluz, Dresden May 27th 2023 7pm Bülitz, Wendland, Church St. Martin, Festival Kontrapunkte
String IV – M Ensemble El Perro Andaluz, Dresden May 7th 2023 7pm Bremen, `Neue Pop´, Concert Hall
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Ensemble New Babylon, Bremen:
Interactive Arts – Music Project Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) response - kontraklang - (ou)topos Ensemble New Babylon, Bremen: Work activations: Franz Erhard Walther and Kaspar Lehmann Walther April 19th 2023 7pm Frankfurt/ Main, Seilerbahn
String III – Branes Ensemble Aventure:
Interdependenzen Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich: |
December 16th 2022 Weimar, Monami
energeia aphanés III – physisbr> for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and accordion (2019) Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
New Music: Editor Yvonne Petitpierre November 8th 2022 10:30pm
Horizons - Series for New Music Interdependenzen energeia aphanés I Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich: November 8th 2022 7pm Fulda Vonderau Museum
Premiere of the experimental film by Lichtbilder Filmproduktion Munich Composition: Michael Quell: energeia aphanés III – physis Director: Benedikt Schulte Ensemble der/gelbe/klang: Anastasia Lyubinski, Dance improvisation Benedikt Schulte, directing, camera, editing The film was recorded in the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory for Nuclear, Particle and Acceleration Physics in the Research Center Garching, Technical University of Munich November 7th 2022 8pm Munich-Allach
Premiere of the experimental film by Lichtbilder Filmproduktion Munich Composition: Michael Quell: energeia aphanés III – physis Director: Benedikt Schulte Ensemble der/gelbe/klang: Anastasia Lyubinski, Dance improvisation Benedikt Schulte, directing, camera, editing The film was recorded in the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory for Nuclear, Particle and Acceleration Physics in the Research Center Garching, Technical University of Munich October 7th 2022 8pm Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació, FESTIVAL MIXTUR. SUR|:ROUND:|INGS
energeia aphanés III – physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
energeia aphanés III – physisbr> for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and accordion (2019) Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
energeia aphanés III – physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
String III – Branes Staubaggregation energeia aphanés III – physis furthermore works by: Iannis Xenakis: Charisma, Ikhoor, Rebonds B Ensemble Aventure: Liverecording of the concert on April 28th 2022 in the Vonderau Museum Fulda July 12th 2022 8pm Radio broadcast in Bavarian Radio BR 2, Concerto bavarese
energeia aphanés I Ensemble der/ gelbe/ klang - ensemble for contemporary music, Munich: July 5th 2022 Nuremberg, University of Music
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar June 30th 2022 10:05pm Radio broadcast in Bavarian Radio Bayern Klassik BR2
Horizons - Series for New Music Works by Michael Quell in a Bayern Klassik co production energeia aphanés II energeia aphanés III - physis string I
string III - branes Benjamin Fischer, oboe June 25th 2022 8pm Vienna, Autria, Roter Salon of the OESTIG, concert serie "Die Rote Brille"
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas
response – kontraklang – (ou-)topos Commissioned by Ensemble New Babylon with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Ensemble New Babylon: June 18th 2022 8pm Freiburg, depot K - Art gallery Freiburg
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... I Nadie se conoce Martin Steuber, guitar June 10th 2022 8pm Karlsruhe, Musentempel
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus I Nadie se conoce Martin Steuber, guitar June 8th 2022 7pm Kleinsassen, Art Gallery
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar June 6th 2022 5pm Bülitz, Hanoverian Wendland, Festival Kontrapunkte
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland, NEW New Ensemble Wendland, NEW:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: April 29th 2022 8pm Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider Foundation – Double portrait Xenakis - Quell: structure - energy - sonority
Staubaggregation energeia aphanés III – physis string III – branes As well as by Xenakis: Charisma Ikhoor
Staubaggregation energeia aphanés III – physis string III – branes As well as by Xenakis: Charisma Ikhoor Concert project (un)known world – „… das atmende im verborgenen …“
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: Furthermore works by Georg Katzer and Marta-Liisa Talvet March 28th 2022 8pm Glasgow, Scotland, The Old Hairdressers, GEMS Glasgow Experimental Music Series
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar March 25th 2022 7:30pm Antwerp, Belgium, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar March 21st 2022 6pm Czestochowa, Poland, School of Music
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar March 17th 2022 7:30pm Frankfurt, KunstKulturKirche
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar February 5th 2022 Leipzig, Grieg Begegnungsstätte, "forma Leipzig"
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Martin Steuber, guitar In addition to the live performance, the concert will also be streamed on February 19th. |
November 25th 2021 9:30pm HR2 radio broadcast
Radio broadcast Hessischer Rundfunk (HR2) composers portrait vom Weltall zum Viertelton - Der Komponist Michael Quell
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland New Ensemble Wendland, NEW:
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland, New Ensemble Wendland, NEW: Portrait Concert and CD release: Neos-CD `Michael Quell – Chamber Music Vol. 3
energaia aphanés I Interdependenzen energaia aphanés III - physis string I energaia aphanés II string III - branes Benjamin Fischer, oboe
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich:
energeia aphanés I Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich Editor of the broadcast: Andreas Göbel September 11th 2021 8pm Basel, Switzerland, Wildtsches Haus, Festival concerts aurore
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas August 1st 2021 7pm Bülitz, Wendland, Festival Kontrapunkte
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland New Ensemble Wendland, NEW:
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland, NEW New Ensemble Wendland, NEW:
String IV – M Commissioned by Festival Kontrapunkte for the New Ensemble Wendland, NEW New Ensemble Wendland, NEW:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas Furthermore works by: Maxim Seloujanov, Tobias Krebs, Max E. Keller, Art-Oliver Simon,
Radiobroadcast of the concert from June 29th 2021 in the concert serie "musica aperta" in July 7th 2021 8pm Fulda, City Palace, Marble Hall
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas Radio recording of the concert by SRF 2 Culture June 27th 2021 5pm Basel, Switzerland, Concert Galery Maison 44
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energaia aphanés I Interdependenzen energaia aphanés III - physis string I energaia aphanés II string III - branes Benjamin Fischer, oboe
string I Interdependenzen energeia aphanés I der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich:
string III – branes energeia aphanés II energeia aphanés III - physis der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich:
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Ensemble forma, Leipzig: The concert will be streamed by the following link |
November 26th 2020 Vienna, Austria, Roter Salon
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas:
temps et couleurs I Duo Diversitas:
energeia aphanés III – physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Ballet dancers of TNLOS Dance Company, choreography: David Nigro June 1st 2020 8:30pm Livestream of the festival Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik, centre of culture `Monami´, Weimar
energeia aphanés III – physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Furthermore works by: Stream of the concert and short interviews with the composers involved: Information about the festival and links to all four concerts of the festival: The streams of all concerts are also available for listening for a week after broadcast. May 29th 2020 8pm Munich, Cultural Centre `schwere reiter´
CD release concert `Michael Quell – Chamber Music Vol. 3´ , Neos Music: energeia aphanés I Interdependenzen energeia aphanés III – physis string I energeia aphanés II string III – branes Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich May 28th 2020 8pm Fulda, Great Hall of Ancient University
CD release concert `Michael Quell – Chamber Music Vol. 3´ , Neos Music: energeia aphanés I Interdependenzen energeia aphanés III – physis string I energeia aphanés II string III – branes Ensemble der/gelbe/klang – ensemble for contemporary music, Munich May 25th 2020 Fulda, Great Hall of Ancient University
energeia aphanés III – physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Ballet dancers of the state ballet Thuringia, Gera: The concert will be postponed. The exact date will be announced in time. April 22nd 2020 7:30pm Dresden, Centre of Arts GEH8, Music Society of Saxony
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: The concert will be postponed. The exact date will be announced in time. April 21st 2020 7:30pm Leipzig, city libriary, Music Society of Saxony
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: The concert will be postponed. The exact date will be announced in time. April 20th 2020 7:30pm Chemnitz, Morgner archive, Music Society of Saxony
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: The concert will be postponed. The exact date will be announced in time. February 4th 2020 8:04pm WDR3 Radio broadcast, live recording
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Live recording of the concert from July 6th 2019 at the festival Klangräume Düsseldorf with the Ensemble via nova, Weimar and Art Ensemble NRW in the Neander Church Düsseldorf. |
December 28th 2019 10:49pm Radio broadcast Deutschlandfunk (DLF)
Between philosophy and physics - in recordings with the Ensemble Aventure November 8th 2019 7pm Tolstefanz, Wendland, Neos-Music Foundation
Duo Steinmel - Müksch:
String III - Branes Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, Kanada:
String III - Branes Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, Kanada:
String III - Branes Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, Kanada:
String III - Branes Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, Kanada:
String III - Branes Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, Kanada:
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Emily Yabe, violin
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt
Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi - der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel: hikmat al-ishraq Jürgen Ruck, Raphael Ophaus, Moritz Beck and Martin Dressler, guitars; Akiko Okabe, piano; Eduard Hausauer, piano assistant
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar:
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Live recording by WDR Radio
energeia aphanés III - physis Ensemble via nova, Weimar: Ballet dancers of TNLOS Dance Company, Theatre Nordhausen: Lewis Seivwright, Iacopo Loliva, Gabriela Finardi and Keiko Okawa; choreography: David Nigro June 19th 2019 SWR2 Radio, 'jetztmusik', radio broadcast broadcast of the SWR production in the Hans-Rosbaud-Studio Baden Baden:
Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi – der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel: hikmat al ishraq
Staubaggregation Dark Matter String II - Graviton Ensemble Aventure:
energeia aphanés I Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés I Kana Takenouchi, flute
Copmposers Portrait and CD release: Ekstare Dark Matter Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi – der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel: hikmat al ishraq Lecture: Wolfgang Rüdiger Staubaggregation A Blurring Cloud – Geschöpfe der Fahrt String II - Graviton Ensemble Aventure:
Philosophical Concert Project: Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος Alpha - Omega Dark Matter String trio - le son d'un monde secret et couvert (1994) String II - Graviton Furthermore texts by Roland Barthes, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard u.a. Felix Ponizy, organ Ensemble Aventure February 23rd 2019 Bern, Switzerland, Trinity Church, Dreif Hall
Lecture: Perspectives of artistic activity in the interplay of empiricism and transcendence February 12th 2019 Fulda, Palace of the City of Fulda, "Fürstensaal"
String II - Graviton Commissioned by Wigmore Hall, London with the support of André Hoffmann, president of the Fondation Hoffmann, Switzerland, and Ensemble Modern Ensemble Modern:
Achronon Duo Steimel – Mücksch:
String II - Graviton Ensemble Aventure: |
December 16th 2018 8pm Choele Choel, Rio Negro, Argentinia, Distat Terra Festival
Dark Matter Trio Aventure:
Radio broadcast Hessischer Rundfunk (HR2): composers portrait: Vom Weltall zum Viertelton - Der Komponist Michael Quell
Lecture: Von der Struktur zur Transzendenz - über das Geistige und das Geistliche in der Musik der Gegenwart November 17th 2018 7:30pm Vienna, Roter Salon of the OESTIG
Staubaggregation art ensemble berlin:
SWR production and CD recording (Neos Portrait CD): Dark Matter String II - Graviton φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Staubaggregation Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi – der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel: hikmat al ishraq for four microtonal guitars and piano (2017) Ensemble Aventure:
Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi – der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel: hikmat al ishraq Jürgen Ruck, Raphael Ophaus, Moritz Beck and Martin Dressler, guitars;
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) - zustände Emily Yabe, violin
Alpha - Omega Felix Ponizy, organ
Achronon Duo Steimel - Mücksch
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat)-Zustände φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Juliane Harberg, soprano
Staubaggregation art ensemble berlin
Roundtable-Diskussion zur Musik 4.0: Komponieren - analog oder digital? Hat der einzelne subjektive Komponist noch eine Zukunft? Together with Gisela Nauck, Hanna Reichert, Stefan Fricke, Roland Jerzewski and Gerhard R. Koch
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
Anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) - zustände Jonas Olsson, piano June 7th 2018 8pm Fulda, Great Hall of Ancient University
Anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) - zustände Jonas Olsson, piano May 2nd 2018 8pm Fulda, Vonderau Museum
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin:
energeia aphanés II Duo Stock - Wettin: |
November 19th 2017 Madrid, Spain, Museo del Prado
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Jürgen Ruck, guitar November 17th 2017 8pm Leipzig, Forma Leipzig, Kurt-Masur-Hall
anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) - zustände Ermis Theodorakis, piano November 17th 2017 7:30pm Leipzig, Library of the city Leipzig, Music Society of Saxony
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch
Anisotropie – (vier) (aggregat) – zustände Ermis Theodorakis, piano October 5th 2017 Fulda, Vonderau Museum
Staubaggregation Art-Ensemble:
"Staubaggregation" Art-Ensemble:
Staubaggregation Art-Ensemble:
Staubaggregation Art-Ensemble:
"Staubaggregation" Art-Ensemble:
נְשׇׁמׇה נֶ פֶ שׁ ר וּ חַ(nešāmā - näpäš - ruaḥ) on hebrew, accadic and ugaritic text fragments Yoshie Kaneyasu, soprano Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi: der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel – hikmat al- ishraq for four microtonal guitars and piano (2017) Moritz Beck, Mikkel Schou, Tuomas Taanila and Jürgen Ruck, guitars; August 14th 2017 8pm Würzburg, University of Music, Festival GuitarPlus Microtonal
Composers portrait Michael Quell: נְשׇׁמׇה נֶ פֶ שׁ ר וּ חַ(nešāmā - näpäš - ruaḥ) on hebrew, accadic and ugaritic text fragments Yoshie Kaneyasu, soprano Meister Eckhart und Suhrawardi: der Klang der Schwinge des Gabriel – hikmat al- ishraq for four microtonal guitars and piano (2017), World Premiere Moritz Beck, Mikkel Schou, Tuomas Taanila and Jürgen Ruck, guitars; Achronon for accordion and guitar (2009) Duo Steimel-Mücksch Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... for guitar solo (2004) Jürgen Ruck, guitar June 16th 2017 9:30pm Berlin, Kulturhaus Alte Feuerwache Berlin-Friedrichshain, Festival OaarWurm
Anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) - zustände Jonas Olsson, piano May 8th 2017 7:30pm Heilbronn, Museum of the city Heilbronn, Perspektiven
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) |
December 2016 6pm Tolstefanz, Aussichten
string trio - le son d'un monde secret et couvert (1994) Trio Coriolis:
Dark Matter (2011) A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Ensemble Aventure:
Dark Matter (2011) A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Ensemble Aventure:
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) November 6th 2016 7pm Schlitz, Music Academy of Hessia, 'Schloss Hallenburg'
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) October 29th 2016 7pm Bremen, Weserburg, Museum of Modern Art
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) October 16th 2016 8pm Hamburg, Laeisz-Hall
string I Benjamin Fischer, oboe October 13th 2016 8pm Bremen, Schwankhalle
string I Benjamin Fischer, oboe October 12th 2016 8pm Berlin, 'Villa Elisabeth'
string I Benjamin Fischer, oboe October 10th 2016 8pm Berlin, Music Studio Orpheo
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) October 9th 2016 8pm Rheinsberg, 'Musikbrennerei'
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) October 8th 2016 7pm Berlin, ölberg-Church
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) October 1st 2016 7:30pm London, Gallery The Cello Factory
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) September 25th 2016 6:30pm Paris, Bateau Daphné
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) September 17th 2016 7pm Stuttgart, Andreaskirche
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) September 10th 2016 7pm Basel, Switzerland, 'Haus der Musik'
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) September 7th 2016 12:30pm Basel, Switzerland, Academy of Music
φαντασία - lass die Moleküle rasen Duo Simolka – Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, soprano and René Wohlhauser, piano) August 12th 2016 7pm Fulda Vonderau Museum, exhibition opening artisits 2016
Anisotropie – (vier) (aggregat) – zustände Ermis Theodorakis, piano July 1st 2016 7pm Frankfurt/Main, KunstKulturKirche
String III - Branes Ensemble chambre d'écoute:
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... Jürgen Ruck, guitar May 29th 2016 Kharkiv, Ukraine, Festival of Contemporary Music 'Kharkiv Contemporary'
Dark Matter (2011) Trio Aventure:
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ...
energeia aphanés Kana Takenouchi, flute; Georg Wettin, clarinet; Matthias Lorenz, violoncello and Ulrich Grafe, percussion. Further performance:
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Ensemble Tempus Konnex:
String II - Graviton Commissioned by Wigmore Hall, London with the support of André Hoffmann, president of the Fondation Hoffmann, Switzerland, and Ensemble Modern Ensemble Modern: February 23rd 2016 8:30pm Berlin, BKA-Theatre, "unerhörte Musik"
Achronon for accordion and guitar (2009) Duo Steimel - Mücksch:
BewegungsBilder Sudbury Guitar Trio: |
December 21st 2015 7pm Lviv, Ukraine, Lviv Philharmonic Chamber Hall
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Kroiser Ensemble:
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Kroiser Ensemble:
Lecture: "'Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos' and 'A Blurring Cloud' - exploring the hermeneutic aspect of contemporary music" November 26th 2015 7pm Fulda, Vonderaumuseum
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) November 20th 2015 7pm Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Cambrian College of Arts
BewegungsBilder Sudbury Guitar Trio:
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ...
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ...
BewegungsBilder Sudbury Guitar Trio:
Caprichos "Nadie se conoce" and "El sueno de la razon..." Jürgen Ruck, guitar November 1st 2015 7:30pm Leipzig, University of Music Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
A Blurring Cloud - Geschöpfe der Fahrt Ensemble Tempus Konnex:
Dark Matter (2011) Trio Aventure:
Momentaufnahmen / Caprichos - Reflexionen zu Goya ... und darüber hinaus ... Joseph Perez Mirandilla, guitar October 16th 2015 8pm Frankfurt/Main, KunstKulturKirche
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) October 9th 2015 3:30pm Istanbul, Turkey, Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuarí
Nadie se conoce Jürgen Ruck, guitar October 6th 2015 8pm Munich, arts centre 'schwere reiter'
string trio - le son d'un monde secret et couvert (1994) Trio Coriolis:
string trio - le son d'un monde secret et couvert (1994) Trio Coriolis:
BewegungsBilder Sudbury Guitar Trio:
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) September 11th 2015 5pm Basel, Switzerland, "ZeitRäume Basel", Biennale for Contemporary Music and Architecture, Flachsländerhof
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) July 26th 2015 11am Frankfurt/Main, Nebbiensches Gartenhaus, Frankfurter Künstlerclub
Achronon Duo Steimel-Mücksch (Olivia Steimel, accordion and Joseph Mücksch, guitar) July 11th 2015 8pm Erlangen, Music Institute
Achronon Olivia Steimel, accordion and Josef Mücksch, guitar July 7th 2015 7pm Frankfurt, KunstKulturKirche, 'shortcuts'
Alpha - Omega Felix Ponizy, organ; guitar ensemble of the University of Music Frankfurt
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) Ensemble New Babylon (Bremen):
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) Ensemble New Babylon (Bremen):
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) Ensemble New Babylon (Bremen):
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) Ensemble New Babylon (Bremen):
Anamorphosis II (-Polymorphia) Ensemble New Babylon (Bremen):
energeia aphanés Kana Takenouchi-Harlott, flute; Georg Wettin, clarinet; Matthias Lorenz, violoncello and Ulrich Grafe, percussion. Further performances:
Dark Matter Trio Aventure:
Anamorphosis II (Polymorphia)
Anamorphosis II (Polymorphia) International Ensemble Modern Academy: March 1st 2015 3pm Wiesbaden, Staatstheater, Foyer, Musik-Theater-Labor
Anamorphosis II (Polymorphia) International Ensemble Modern Academy:
anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) -zustände Jonas Olsson, piano February 4th 2015 8pm Tolstefanz, concert serie "AusSichten"
anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) -zustände Jonas Olsson, piano February 3rd 2015 8:30pm Berlin, BKA Theater
anisotropie - (vier) (aggregat) -zustände Jonas Olsson, piano January 30th 2015 7pm Frankfurt, KunstKulturKirche
stringtrio - le son d'un monde secret et couvert |